Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
• God has a mandate for the church to arise and shine because His glory is risen upon us.
• It means we have to do our job to share the gospel and live a life free from iniquity.
• It means doing good in accordance with the gospel we preach. Then God’s glory who is
Jesus will rise upon us.
I. Two things the church must do:
A. Arise. It means: Get out from a passive position.
1. Stop complacency and be zealous for God.
2. Stop living for selfish motivation and serve. Be significant.
3. Turn away from filthiness and live for Jesus.
B. Shine. Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.
Your character should be like that of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Show your love for others.
Be a blessing.
II. Your Light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
A. Jesus has come and His glory is upon us.
1. Haggai 2:6-9
2. He will fill the Church with His Glory.
B. Isaiah 60:3-7 God has promised what He is going to do to the Church.
III. What will Jesus do to the Church? Isaiah 60:3-7
A. V. 3 Gentiles, esp. kings shall come.
B. V. 4 Your sons and daughters (converts) shall come and be trained.
C. V. 5 Finances will be poured in from people (believers and unbelievers)
D. V. 6 They shall attend fellowship with cars and the place will be filled. They
finances. God will prosper them.
E. V. 7 Hard people will be converted and be accepted before God.
F. God will glorify the house of His glory (the Church)
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15 years ago